Broad spectrum of viricidal, bactericidal and fungicidal action.
Virukill® is a disinfectant of the latest generation that has in its formulation twin chains of modified structure based on DDAC (Didecyl-dimethylammonium chloride) associated with a potent surfactant that potentiates and widens its spectrum of action.
Each 100 mL of Vikurill contains:
Didecyl-dimethylammonium chloride…………………..12.0 g
Surfactants…………………………………………………………4.0 g
Vehicle q.s………………………………………………………100.0 mL
Virukill® is indicated for:
Disinfection of drinking water:
Dilute in water at a ratio of 100 mL for every 1 liter of water.
Disinfection of eggs:
Dilute in water at a ratio of 1 liter for every 100 liters of water. It is recommended that the solution to be sprayed be at the same temperature as the eggs.
Disinfection of footbaths and wheel baths:
Dilute in water at a ratio of 1 liter for every 100 liters of water for virus control.
Aspersion of warehouses in the presence of animals:
Dilute in water at a ratio of 1 liter for every 100 liters of water (3 to 5 days a week)
Disinfection of facilities and equipment in general:
Dilute in water at a ratio of 1 liter for every 100 liters of water for virus control.
Supplied as a 1L bottle in box with 12 bottles.
Does not apply.
Praça Emílio Marconato,1000 – Galpão A3 – Jaguariúna / SP - Brasil - 13916-074
Tel: +55 (19) 3837-9900
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